Hi Allan,
Just tried with the same URL and got the same result! I got that URL clicking the Share icon.
And once I right click on the video I get a option to Copy Video URL and when I pasted that URL I got the video displayed in the Video Component!
I think that may be the correct format!
And if the users are adding these URL’s they might get the URL clicking the Share icon, getting the URL by right clicking on the video or getting the URL that displays on the search bar. But you can format that using a Template column and add that column on the Video component!
If you want the video to show same like when viewing through YouTube you can copy the Embed Code right clicking on the video and paste it in the Web View component!
And if the Users are adding these URL’s ( whether getting the URL through clicking the Share Icon , right clicking on the video and getting the URL or getting the URL that displays on the search bar ) you can have two template columns to format and show it on the Web View!
Hope this helps and Hope I’m correct!
Thank you