I have an if else if block which is calculating values for me based on some condition.
It takes value from another if else if and displays value accordingly
Attaching screen recording of the database
As you can see individual if else if column has value. Now when I created if else if column with name “ifElseIfValue” which is combination of other if else if columns output. Only first row is giving the value. the rest of the columns are not computing and giving values. Is there any restriction on number of if else if we can use??
It would be helpful to see where the values are coming from. Your IF column is pulling values from other IF columns. How do those other IF columns work. Trace backwards until you see where the chain fails. If the value in those other IF columns are empty, then the result is also going to be empty on the final IF column.
Looks to me that only the first row has values in those other IF columns. What are you expecting the final IF column to show in rows 2 through 6 if those other IF columns are empty?
No the final if else if has to show the values of other if else if based on condition .
Like in Screenshot shown above.
When the Total States is Leads ----> it should show value of inboundidelse which its showing
When the Total states is Lost ----> it should show value of lostifelse which is actually 10 as per my screenshot
When the Total states is Finalisation ----> it should show value of finalisationifelse which is actually 1 as per my screenshot
but in Final if else if its not showing anything
‘Lost’ is only true on row 6. Lostifelse is empty on row 6. Row 6 doesn’t care what’s in row 1. It cares what’s in row 6 and in row 6 Lostifelse is empty.
What would be the best practice for me to solve this issue? I would not be able to move it another table as all my other values are fetched from this particular table itself.
That’s why I asked for more details about how the other IF columns work. I don’t know why they only return values in only the first row. That’s all in how you have it set up, but you have shown how those other IF columns are set up.
Yes. You can use a Single Value column to retrieve a value from the first row and populate it on all rows.
Keep working backwards. What’s the value of ‘Time Frame’ in each row? I suspect that Time Frame is only filled in the first row. Maybe that’s the column that needs to be repeated with a Single Value column.
There is nothing particularly wrong with it. You have single value columns all over the place already. What’s another one…
There’s no right or wrong way to do it as long as it works, But 1 single value column to repeat the time frame is more efficient than 6 single value columns to repeat each of the IF columns.
Create a Single Value column that duplicates that same Time Frame across all rows exactly how you created any other Single Value column. Then change all of your IF columns to check the new Single Value Time Frame instead of the existing Time Frame column that’s only being filled in the first row. It’s one additional Single Value column instead of creating six single value columns to duplicate each individual IF column result.
Nothing special about it. Just doing exactly what you are already doing, but with less columns.
Please correct me if I am wrong. I was under the impression that Single value columns will write a single value to a cell.
Could you please tell me how do I get multiple values from multiple columns to write one below the other in different rows into same single value column?
I never said anything about using a Single Value column to write multiple different values into the same column, or multiple values from multiple columns for that matter. A Single Value column is typically used to repeat the same value in all rows.
If you already have it working, then don’t worry about it. Just go with what you already have. I was just offering a suggestion to make it a bit more efficient. I’m not sure how else to clarify it or explain it any better.