Many users have started to report some weird behavior within my app. My app is set up primarily as a music streaming platform that allows users to create a personalized playlist through the Favorites feature. For example, a user would create the following playlist:
Quite a few users are sharing screenshots with me that show their Favorites playlist is somehow being manipulated without them toggling Favorites on/off. Tracks are disappearing or being added randomly. Their playlists will look like:
Track C will have disappeared and tracks F and G will have been added at random. It seems like this happens whenever I add a new track to the master library of all tracks. Any reason why this would happen? Anything I can do to fix it?
What key column are you using for your favorites? It has to be a unique value for each song. Also, are you sorting the sheet or manipulation the existing data whenever you add songs? That is more reason to use a unique key. This is a good Row ID.
Oh my gosh! I feel like such an idiot. I recently rebuilt my master library a few days ago and never added in a Row ID column. I just added a Row ID in the Glide editor and went in the Favorites component to connect the key but the option for a key is no longer there. Does that mean it auto connected?
Huh, I guess so. I just tried it. I saw the key option until I added the row id. That’s really cool. Didn’t know glide connected that up for you. Nice catch!