Slideshow-style list

Has anyone in the Glide inner sanctums proposed a new list component that would appear as a single image with those multiple tiny dots at the bottom that suggest more images/posts if you swipe left or wait long enough for it to auto-slide to new images (and Header/Caption text) in a timed interval that the user would set within the component? A common feature in showcase sections of apps and websites.

Perhaps this could even be a modification of the Inline List component. Sort of how you recently changed the Choice component to include two different styles.


I believe you can do that with images

Yes, I know, but this method uses columns to figure out the various images in a carousel. So the most you could get at this point from clicking on one of those images would be an expanded image. Images themselves must be told what sheet to point to if you want them to link to another screen with data.

But by doing a similar carousel style with the inline component, you could make each image a link to the detail screen for that particular row of data. And that would allow the kind of spotlight carousels you see in the headers of websites, apps, and even streaming TV networks that could take you to not only additional content but entire new sections of the app itself.

@John_Cabrera I would very much like titles to link to different screens. It would make the app much more compact and provide really nice UX

The wish keeps coming up from different people - I hope glide will take on the wish in the future. I really cannot understand why they haven’t introduced this action.

@Krivo I understand that want, but I’m trying to wrap my brain around how that would work exactly. The way Tiles are right now in inline lists and other relational lists, each tile represents a row of data. You could have potentially thousands of tiles in a list. How would you tell each one which screen to go to? The only way I could think would be some kind of new Glide column that allows you to store different sheet names per row based on various conditions—so every row of data in a sheet could have a distinct sheet that it links to. Then using any list component, you could simply select it to link to that column which would cause each tile to link to the sheet stored in its row of that column.

I’m sure there are other ways to do this. My original suggestion is more about styling the current inline list component. There are ways to use inline list currently to create the illusion of going to different sheets. Just create a new sheet for that purpose and use the Detail screen along with inline lists and visibility conditions to change the look of the screen.

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“The only way I could think would be some kind of new Glide column that allows you to store different sheet names per row based on various conditions—so every row of data in a sheet could have a distinct sheet that it links to.”
This is the way I have always thought about it. Well, I cannot see it needs to be a special column. It just needs to be a column where the sheet name is found. In the builder you specify the action “link to sheet” and specify which column to use.
To me, this should be an easy task to do - well, I’m not a programmer so a seems-to-be-simple task could be difficult to implement.

I only say special new column type because I imagine just inputting a sheet name could cause problems if someone typed in a sheet name that didn’t exist. So I imagine, Glide would need to create a new column type that prevents that by forcing you to select from one of your sheets as you create the column. But yeah, in general, a column to supplement “link to sheet” would be nice.