Give the option to show tab label for some tabs but not all tabs as depicted in the following diagram:
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Couldn’t you just clear out the Label for the tabs you don’t want to have a label? Or do you still want the label at the top of the screen when viewing the tab?
I’ve started implementing a lot of my own titles at the top of various pages in my app.
I am not referring to showing the title on top of a tab. I am referring to the main tabs panel at the bottom where a user might need to show the label for some but not for all. Here’s an image:
Right. That’s why I said to clear out the label for the tab.
That also clears out the title at the top of the page, so that’s why I asked and offered a different solution if you are expecting the title at the top of the page to stay.
This approach will unfortunately miss-align tab icons if some with labels and others without.
Perfect - that will work - thank you