Show date without year?

I have a sheet with the birthdays of the Members, but I intend to show only their date but not the year. Besides relying on the formula on google sheet, I wonder if it’s possible to be done in glide date editor?

You can use two math columns to derive the date and the month, then combine them together in a template column the way you want.

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Thanks for the solution!
I used the math column to extract the month, which give me a number, instead of January, February etc.
If I wish to show e.g. 20 January, I believe I need to have a new sheet with the months in word, then create relation to this sheet with month in number? Or glide has something more direct?

It’s not really direct, but you can either create an if then else to derive the month name, or create a new sheet as you said, only need the months in order, then a single value column, with the settings from start > point to month value of current sheet, taking the month name back from the newly created sheet.

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Brilliant! Thanks :smiley:

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