Seting column value when login

Hello Gliders ! I’m using a user specific reference date and I would like it to be reseted to today at every new user login or first table view (dashboard)…
Would you know how to do that by any chance ? :pray:

You can configure all tabs visibility to off if start date( in the user’s row) is empty and just visible single wellcome tab with button which set start date

Thanks ! that’s a good idea ! I take it and will think of doing something like that if I don’t find better Glide solution, because then users get welcome message and must do one useless click every single time they log in .

Unfortunately no native solution for now.
Another approach you can add this set column to each custom action(details screen and so on) with condition.

Another one: if you use Google sheet as data source, you can see user login table and you can create Google script which can set date as you need

What is this date value actually used for? A filter?
There is no way to trigger an action on login, so that option is basically out of the question.
A simple option might be to add a “Reset” button that the user can click on that would reset the value to the current date.

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Yes this date is registered in Glide table to be used in different filters in the app during user’s session ; it would be very usefull to be able to triger action before first Table appears or after login, so that we can reset previous session temporary datas or other context things…
Any way for now I use a botton action
Thank you guys

Would it always be today? Is it the “en date du” field you’re showing on the screen?

yes, to be reset to today for every starting session.
So, for now, I add a ‘change to Today’ button when value is not today (from previous session and other app page) …
But this makes my Dashboard too heavy

I’m thinking something very hacky that might require workflows.

  • A column for “Logged in Today?” as a boolean.
  • Your normal “En Date Du” field.
  • Create an AI Component that looks at those two columns above, if “Logged in Today?” is not checked, then set the current date to “En Date Du”, else keep “En Date Du” as is.
  • Add a workflow that clears the “Logged in Today?” boolean every day at midnight.

woaw, I did not know we can triggered workflow automatically on a schedule, that is already a good solution to just reset my date column every night !

I don’t know much about what we can do with AI component yet, I’m still duscovering Glide possibilities… thanks

I have to work on it ; I’m not able to set ‘dateref’ column to today for all rows (using a filter) and at a scheduled time.
Your welcome if you have more advises…

What plan are you on? At the moment the time-based workflows are in Closed Beta.

free (implementing and testing)
hopefully soon maker…

I saw this post in the Slack channel but can’t seem to find it in the Resource tab:


I’m dumb. I just now realized it’s the prompt you need to use in a Custom AI component and it will trigger the action. Let me know if you guys have any luck with it!

That’s a pretty neat idea from @MaximeBaker . I guess there’s another layer of difficulty in here, that Emmanuel only needs it to trigger on the first run of the day.

  • Add a column for First Login Today as a timestamp.
  • Add an if-then-else column called “Logged In Today?”, if First Login Today is within today then true, else false.
  • Only trigger setting the current day to the “En Date Du” field when “Logged In Today?” is not checked, and then also set the current timestamp to “First Login Today”. Else don’t do anything.
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Here it is @Atom

I don’t see it in the Expert Hub either.


Excelent idea, but for now we need keep in mind: custom Ai component still in beta and some time works as expected, but some times looks like black rectangle


Hello ! this is just what I needed !
I could succeed in initializing filter date value automaticaly and only after first login with this AI component prompt :pray:

  1. In the DATA section, define only the Delay property with a milliseconds value.
  2. On component load, automatically retrieve the Delay property. If the property is not set, use a default value of 100 milliseconds.
  3. Use the retrieved Delay property to start a setTimeout function.
  4. After the specified delay: execute all actions.
  5. There will be no visual elements, start, or stop button; all actions will trigger automatically without any manual intervention.
  6. Ensure that all code runs within the component’s secure context to avoid violations of Content Security Policy (CSP) and prevent loading external scripts.

many thanks for having shared you knowledge and thinking !


it just came out Glide scheduled workflows ; I guess this topic was convincing ! :slight_smile:

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