Search for users then add them into a form

This is supposed to be like a POS system. Pretty much when a customer comes into the store you need to input their name into this form to create a new order. Is there a way to make it so that as you type their name into the field there is a list or a drop down menu of the existing customers in the database?


  1. Customer walks in
  2. Employee asks for customers name
  3. Employee types down customer name into that field to generate a new order

Instead of depending on the employee to spell the name perfectly, it would be cool to have a drop down of existing customer that he picks from, hopefully that made sense!

Thanks team

Yes, it’s possible. At a high level, this is what you need to do:

  • The text input component that you have should be directed at a user specific text column
  • You then need a single value column in your Customers table that takes the value of that user specific column and applies it to all rows
  • Next is an if-then-else column in your customers table:
    – If Customer Name includes Single Value, then true
  • Then back on your screen, add an Inline List component that uses your Customers table as a source, and filter it where the if-then-else column is checked
  • Finally, create a custom action on your Inline List that opens the form and pre-populates the Customer name and/or whatever other customer details are needed.

You are a genius my friend, I was stuck on this for such a long time.

Right now the app only shows the customer that is typed, which is awesome. The only part i’m stuck on is this part

Not sure what you mean/how to do that exactly (sorry I’m a noob).

Because right now the list populates if & only if the customer name is spelled perfectly, I’m guessing that last part I quoted from you would fix that problem?

Thank you

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OHHH Sorry it’s all fixed now brother, I completely read this wrong <3

You’re the best

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Excellent, glad you got it working :+1:

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