Search availabe rentals for a given date range

Glider, I´m having a bad time trying to solve this, already tried different approaches (query formula is one), and I´ve not achieved my requirement please help!

Let me give you a bit of context. I have three tables:

• Item Type: Stores the available categories or models of the items.

• Items: Stores the actual items in stock (each one of them has an atribute “item type”

• Reservations: Stores bookings to use a certain amount of a particular or multiple types of items within a date range.

I would like to generate a View/search table that contains the amount of available type of items given a start (SD) and end (ED) date that the user states for a posible reservation, so the user can add available items to reservation.

The table would look like this

Type: The type of item.

Amount available: Item[Item_type == This row type].count - Reservations[SD<current_posible_reservation.ED && ED>current_posible_reservation.SD && item_type cointains This row type].thisrow_item_type.count

This way, the customer can preview which types of items are available for reservation.

Think would be quite similar to a clasic car rental, like this.


Hi @AlexA1

@gvalero Has been working on something similar.

Take a look.


Thanks! I just gave a look to the app. Looks like that is what I´m looking for. @gvalero Can you send screenshots or explain me how did you organized the database and the logic on top?

Hola @AlexA1

Sorry for my delay, I have been sick these days.

As soon as I feel better I will show some screenshots and explain what I did. My APP has some EC columns to get what you saw.



Hope you feel better soon bro!

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Hola @AlexA1

Do you still need some help with your APP?


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