Sad (but now HAPPY) story. Lost 8 projects over GDPR issues - new feature added

@Rosewebstudio you could write a google script to add that data when the person first signs up for the app. An onChange command would recognize a new row added to your User sheet. Or you could set up a Zap to do so for you. Depending on number of users you expect signing up per month, that’s probably the easiest and legally little difference between that and code written on Glide’s end to send the same data. It’s just data being sent upon an action by the user.

But to be honest, I think both the record of your app having enabled this feature along with the date they signed up for the app (which is recorded when they first sign in) would be just as safe. Perhaps for legal security you could take a picture of the app with the feature enabled next to a newspaper with a date then save it to Drive which time stamps the image as well. Then any users’ email addresses that come in past that date could be proven to have met that screen. And I’m sure if it ever came to needing to prove beyond doubt, you could request logs from Glide that prove you’ve had the feature enabled. But I can’t imagine it would ever come to that. No one’s trying to sue companies that are doing everything they can to stay compliant. They’re looking for the ones that flagrantly disregard the rules altogether.


Thanks, very useful feedback.

@Mark: Good work, this will at least give us some peace of mind now, and whilst not wholly compliant as we’re not able to log consent, it shows we are being responsible in trying to do the right thing.

I’ve just tried to enter markdown and html into the text box as I want the links to the documents to be contained within the text and not as separate links above, but it isn’t working.

Would be great if the text box would accept markdown at the very least.

I’m sure you have your reasons but I’m not sure about this being a Pro feature, especially as the free version enables app owners to collect users’ personal data and therefore you are putting them in jeopardy.

No, it did. I seldom have the actual time to check back with forums such as these and respond to comments like yours. But it does have a place here. People openly complain about the complexity of learning something that has the potential to make them money or change their lives in a positive manner. In regards to Glide it is one of the easiest choices to pick up and use out the gate. My response to the comment was valid and because it upset a simpleton such as yourself has very little affect on me.

This has become a pro feature, right? Shouldn’t it be a feature for any service which is somehow handling user data - thus also in the free version?


David has closed the other thread on the GDPR checkbox feature and posted this comment…

Our terms of service require that you use Glide in a way that obeys the laws that apply to you. If using Glide causes you to break a law, you are required by our terms not to use Glide in that way—even if that means you cannot use Glide at all.

It makes an interesting read if you swap the word Glide with a gun.

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Touch down…

Who will win, EU or US?..


What would be interesting now would be to know if Glide and their lawyers are working on SCC. If they are it’s a great news for the coming weeks, if they aren’t it’s definitely down using Glide from Europe or for European users, at least at scale.

Bubble achieved reviewing SCC and their terms have been updated today, they’re compliant with GDPR in terms of international data transfer. And in the case of the Bubble ecosystem, it’s then to the makers to ensure to comply to the other GDPR aspects, but all needed stuff is there for this purpose, it’s a matter of app design and data process.


@Christophe_HK yes. Would be most interesting to get an update

SCC - I wasn’t really aware of what that was


Wasn’t too, but I followed a long thread on Privacy shield on Bubble community, and Bubble provided transparency and regular updates on the situation and their actions. That’s the way I learnt a mitigation action was SCC, what they have completed today, so Bubble is GDPR compliant in terms of international data transfer. They’re the only ones in the No-code ecosystem, at the moment.


OK. So Glide is neither for UE makers, nor for UE users. That’s it.

Anyway, Glide was the first No-code framework I discovered and played with for about one year. At that time, some stuff could be achieved only using css tricks, but I see things are better now. There’s an interesting effort to get better UI’s and better user experience, it’s great. Come on!

Make Glide an international and compliant products and you will reach your gool of billions Glide apps in the 2 or 3 coming years.

Waiting for this expectation to be true, see maybe later on Glide and I’ll be happy to discuss with all of you in the various No-code communities.

Enjoy building apps with no code, and make your dreams come true! :crossed_fingers:t2::call_me_hand:t2::muscle:t2:


I agree - it came across strongly that way as well.

I was very displeased with his dismissive response on it & shutting the thread down entirely.

I’m going to look into these apps that several users have mentioned in this thread & others
So far these have been mentioned in the very long thread in Glide: “Bubble”, “AppSheet”, “Adalo”, & “AppGyver”. Any others that should be considered?

Hope Glide continues to provide updates so that more people feel comfortable with developing onto it


Glide has taken matters much much further than EU laws on privacy by going for anonymity over privacy of emails.


Ok that’s great!

Does that mean Glide is GDPR compliant 100% now or are public apps still non-GDPR compliant based on the earlier points. I don’t know how being anonymous has solved

Have these issues from 5/6 months ago been resolved? If so, great!


Pls read glide terms and conditions.

There is information in the Terms and Conditions regarding this.

In particular, Section 4, which touches on GDPR:

As well as the EU Data Processing Addendum (DPA):

And the Privacy Policy, which touches on European Union Data Subject Rights:


Thank you!


Hi @maschera , thanks for your time and effort in helping spark the GDPR conversation with Glide community. Question regarding your comment above. By any chance do you have an opinion on whether Glide tables works with GDPR vs Gsuite? Thanks

Any CSS guru that has been able to add text to the sign-in screen?(@ThinhDinh , @Lucas_Pires , @Robert_Petitto …)once again, due to GDPR! Can’t wait to leave Europe!!! :slight_smile:

The sign-in screen is not configurable as far as I aware, CSS-wise. You can only change the greeting, description and add user agreement text.

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