I have transactions, staff and departments tables in Glide database. I have departments column in transactions table, I want to make it row owner so that, staff can only see transactions linked to their department, but it is not working, how do I do that
You need to configure Roles in your User Profile, and then give each User a role name that corresponds to the appropriate department.
If you’ve done that and it’s not working, please show me screen shots of:
- Your User Profiles configuration
- Your Users table
- Your Transactions table
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Here’s a sample of what it can look like:
Staff table:
Staff ID | Name | Department ID (Role) |
S001 | Alice | D001 (Sales) |
S002 | Bob | D002 (HR) |
S003 | Charlie | D003 (Marketing) |
S004 | David | D001 (Sales) |
S005 | Eve | D002 (HR) |
Department table:
Department ID | Department Name |
D001 | Sales |
D002 | HR |
D003 | Marketing |
Transactions table:
Transaction ID | Amount | Date | Department (Row Owner) |
T001 | 1000 | 2024-12-01 | D001 |
T002 | 500 | 2024-12-02 | D002 |
T003 | 300 | 2024-12-03 | D001 |
T004 | 1500 | 2024-12-04 | D003 |
T005 | 1200 | 2024-12-05 | D002 |
T006 | 800 | 2024-12-06 | D003 |
You set the Department ID/name in Users table as a Role.
Then set the Department ID/name in transactions as Row Owner.
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