Applying Row Owners returns no data

Hi everyone. New to Glide. Tried to dig into docs, videos, and questions already asked but haven’t been able to solve.

I have firms I work with. Those firms have employees and they have customers. I want employees at the firm to only be able to access and view customers of the firm.

I have the firm in every table and basically set every table to have Firm as the row owner. What I am getting when viewing as different employees is no data. LOL.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Do you have a firm column in your user table, and have you configured that column as a role column in the user profile configuration?

I have firm in my user table, but I don’t think I’ve configured that column as a role column in the user profile configuration. Not totally sure how to do that.

I, ideally want to assign different permissions/roles to users at the firms as well so I have a “Firm Roles” table

I’m honestly not 100% sure what I just did, but it seemed to fix it. Thank you for your help!

Now I need to figure out how to set roles within the firms. :grin: Thanks again

I would first set the firm column as a role column in the user profile configuration. Then in any table where there is customer data, make sure you have a firm column in those tables and set it as a row owner column. This will ensure data security so a firm can only access their own customers.

As for roles within each firm, is it for data security, or just to prevent certain actions by certain users? You can still set certain visibility conditions, filters, actions, etc based on user profile values, but it wouldn’t completely secure data between users in the same firm. Just hide it.

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Jeff–this is massively helpful and the resource you shared is excellent. Thank you so much

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