Different Row Owners for different data tables

Hi community,

I am currently struggling with the following challenge:

  • I build a client interface (kanban chart)
  • Clients are companies and their employees
  • Each company can have several employees accessing the kanban chart
  • The kanban chart should show company specific data, while the profile should be user/employee specific

Right now, I use the email column in the user table as row owner to show each user their individual profile data.

In the data table for the kanban chart, I want to use the company column as row owner. The company is assigned to a user in the user table. Each user/employee should see all data from company and not just his own.

However, this doesn’t work at the moment. Does anyone know why?

Hi @Jeff_Hager,

thanks! I am afraid that this seems to not work for my challenge. I used the row owner function to assign companies to users and to be able to show user individual data such as email, name, phone number etc. (2. image).
However, when I want to use the row owner function in another table (1. image) to show company specific data such as all requests made - to several users from this company, this does not work anymore.

Or do I miss something?

Have you configured the Role column in your user profile configuration?

Yes, I have a Role column, where I split the users into internal and external (clients). However, I decided to use emails for row owner as this is on user-level.

Can you show me your user profile configuration?

So you are saying there is another column in your user table that contains the values of ‘internal’ or ‘external’? How do you use that column?

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Yes, so in the user profile table, I have emails and I have roles. The emails are on user-based and used to show user-individual data. The role column is used to differentiate between internal (Admin for now) & external (customers):

Is this what you are asking for?

What Jeff was asking for is this:

You’ll find it under Settings->Users & authentication->Edit User Profiles


Okay, so in the Role column in your Users table, you have the values Admin and Customer.
But in your earlier screen shot, you appear to be using Company Names as Row Owners.
That won’t work. To make it work, you would need to be using those same Company Names as Roles in your Users table. So instead of using Customer as a Role, use each customers name instead.


Ahh got it! Thanks a lot @Darren_Murphy!
I was sooo close haha

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