Rollup will only point to last column in the table

Earlier today, one of my Rollup columns was calculated as expected. After a Glide platform update, the Rollup column will only point to the last column in the table.

In screenshot, you can see the Rollup is pointing to Check-in Allowed ITE column when I need it to point to Training Hour Credit column and SUM that column.

Like I said… worked as expected this morning. Came back to it this after to update some data formatting and now it won’t do right.

How to replicate

  • tried to select a different column to rollup
  • deleted and added new rollup column
  • signed out and back in
  • tried all these steps again in a different browser (first Safari then Chrome)

I think it might have something to do with this.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Bug in relation collumm