Here’s a thing that has been a head scratcher for some reason during the weekend. I’m building a everyday management app for a small restaurant. In this there is a recipe calculator. It calculates production need based on input number.
The calculator page consist of a choice component and a number input, these values are connected to user table.
The structure of tables are pretty simple:
Meals | Recipies
Recipies | Ingredients
Recipies consist of ingredients. Meal consist of one or more recipies. The results are displayed in a table on the recipe calc page based on selection. Getting it to show summary of recipies + qty needed is not a problem. But on same page I’d also like to show a breakdown of ingredients + qty needed, and for the life of me, I can’t get this to work properly. As one ingredient can be included in several recipies I will also set it up to roll up the total and display only one row per ingredient.
I’m scratching my head thinking I might need to re-do the flow and include a helper table to which an action writes ingredient Id:s and meal id:s and use this as source for the ingredient summary table but not quite sure this is the right way.
Solution might be easier than I think I suspect. I kinda got stuck in this one.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
A. Things that has B. Things that has C. Things. Display rollup need of qty of C. Things based on number input of qty of A. Things needed to be produced.