šŸ§° Resources for building Glide apps

Maybe add https://letsenhance.io/

Great library. Love the community over here :slight_smile:

@erwblo agree that it would be better to have this natively supported. However I think that iDEAL in the long run will be abandoned by the banks as well. With real time banking across Europe becoming very seriously adopted right now, itā€™s just a matter of time before iDEAL becomes obsolete.

In the meantime I will go with https://useplink.com/en/ (from mollie).

Perhaps can also be an addition for the list. Itā€™s payment links for Europen payments methods, including

  • iDEAL (NL)
  • Sofort (DE)
  • Bancontact (BE)
  • Przelewy24 (PL)
  • Banktransfer.
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Donā€™t give Glide reasons to ignore Ideal :wink:
This is not going to happen in the short term :wink:

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Does Plink support recurring payments? Memberships?

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@erwblo Haha I wonā€™t. But I guess if they are looking for a scalable solution, they should consider integrating a Payment service provider anyway instead of going one by one. I know stripe accepts iDEAL already, just couldnā€™t really find a simple overview which other payments methods they accept besides ideal and creditcard.

Nope, recurring payments wonā€™t work.

whaaat. this is crazy. ill add it

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Same for Payhere

More icons https://phosphoricons.com/

Illustrations https://dayflow.blush.design/

Profile pictures https://pfpmaker.com/


Hey guys! Iā€™m one of the creators behind PFPMaker.com.

I wanted to chime in, so please let me know if PFPMaker or I can do anything for you.


Nice one :slight_smile: Iā€™ve added it @Rosewebstudio


Showed some of my friends your post on Product Hunt! Congratulations.

Thank you! Appreciated!

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Were you on Product Hunt too today? Lol. Those designs are the best!!


@Pablo_books Ha ha was getting carried away then realised I have already suggested them :roll_eyes:


Yeah, like this one!

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@erwblo pretty neat

New shopping / subscription service by the Payhere people:


Landen is now called Umso.


Umso is so impressive. They literally have a team of 3 devs and theyā€™ve built umso successfully! Never underestimate developers :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

oh and happy cakeday to me!!