Creation of In App Photos and Videos Showcase


I’ve seen a few videos and/or photos showcasing apps. I.E on a phone screen, scrolling through, and using the app as a visitor to the app would, or screen stills of specific screens. Are there any recommendations of great free tools I can use to create these?

Thank you!

In your computer, you can use Loom.
For Android phones, you can use V recorder or any other screen recorder.

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It seems some folks use some type of tool, as you can see an image of a phone as well.

Hi @Jen_NYCP

Check out this post :arrow_down: it has a few video suggestions and even a website to showcase additional resources for glide


I’ve used on the recommendations from this forum. I think it’s what you’re looking for. And it’s free!


Oh, thanks! This is perfect. Mock up that’s the term I was looking for.

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Yes, this looks great. Thank you!

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A shout out to @Jaime here. He has a great collection of links to Glide resources on his web site, including a section related to demos & mockups.


Yes, looked that over as well. Thanks!