@JackVaughan is it an idea to start a seperate TOOLS category? Tools that work with Glide or help Glide users in an other way?
Like this chart tool: No Code Chart
I believe @Jaime does a reasonable job of keeping it up to date.
I had the impression that was one long list of reactions to one post, what is not ideal imho, but if I’m wrong, the problem is solved
It’s a thing of beauty Glide App Resources | B3
I know, but that’s something else, isnt it?
But whatever
this is cool. do the charts embed in glide?
Hey, I’m the creator of nocodechart.xyz. You can embed charts anywhere in HTML.
If glide offers you a way to add HTML, you simply paste the embed chart on HTML and it will be work.
It works via the Webview component:
Via Webview component it works
I recorded a quick video creating a chart and adding it to Glide App.