Reorder Tables In Glide Editor

Hi! I dont know if this it has been requested or not yet.

It would be super good to have the possibility of reordering tables (sheets and Glide Tables) in the tables list of the data editor. Because if you forgot a table for some reason and add it later it goes to the final of the list but maybe it would be interesting to have them for topics or in different order than createted at.


Hi, oh yes, a recurring request :slight_smile:


But it is categorised as bug not as feature request

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Because initially (months ago) it used to be possible

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Yes we need this

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Only if I could think and plan a whole project in a linear fashion, my table order would be meticulous. But I don’t and the order makes no sense, and doesn’t match the Google Sheet.

+1 for this feature!

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It’s easy to reorder them in Sheets, so an option just to match that ordering might be enough (for me, anyway).

This feature has been shipped, closing topic.

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