Hi there
The action I am trying to create is to change the choice options depending on user’s selection.
For example
CHOICE 1 - Thursday: apples, bananas, carrots
CHOICE 2 - Friday: apples, bananas, carrots
Thursday’s list and Friday’s lists are listed separately in my data column (Friday - apples ,Thursday - apples)
If someone chooses apples on Thursday, I want apples to disappear from Friday.
So - If Thursdays apple choice is True, remove option from Friday.
I’m not sure how to apply. Can someone please help?!
Many thanks!
You can use Screen Filtering.
In your second choice component, add a filter something like the following:
Option is not Screen->Choice 1->Option
Thanks for the quick response. This seems to work if only one option is selected but doesn’t work if they are selecting more than one from the choice (multi-choice). Any ideas?
Try “Option is included in Screen->Choice 1->Option”
It needs to be ‘not included’. But that worked. Thanks a million!!
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September 15, 2023, 5:35am
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