Remove scrollbar: No CSS background, Business account

Hi there, hope you guys are loving the new Horizontal scroll displays on Pages.

One thing that I find quite annoying, is the scrollbar. Anyone knows how to remove it? I would appreciate if anyone can help me with the code, and how to actually put the code?

Thanks so much.

Hello simple with CSS, here are the code i use

.horizontal::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;

Please note that Carter’s answer will require CSS, which is only available on Business & Enterprise plans.

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Yeep !

Not a native Glide solution, but in Google Chrome you can get users to enable the “overlay scrollbars” feature (Google states that it is experimental). When enabled, the scrollbar is only shown when you hover over the space it would normally be or if you use the scrolling wheel.

Go to “chrome://flags” and search for “overlay scrollbars” to enable