Relations in the front end

I’m trying to link multiple products to a supplier.
In the backend, the relation seems to work.
In the frontend, I was able to display the supplier name (as a button) in the products table.
But still, when I press the supplier name, I’m not getting to the supplier details page.

Here’s a video:

It looks like your relation is a multiple relation. If you change it to a single relation, you should be able to configure your action to do Show Details Screen via the relation.

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mmm… Your’e Right! It works.
But what if the same product has few suppliers…?

Would you duplicate the product then?

In that case, I would use a multiple relation, but instead of showing the supplier details screen, show the product details screen. And then on that screen add another table, using the supplier relation as the source.


Thank you, that worked :slight_smile:

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