Relations - Access to data without an explicit column

Hi All,

I’m pretty sure that I’m not going crazy, but tell me if I hallucinated this…

I’m sure I’ve seen occasions where when I was setting up ‘something’ that referenced some data and I could get access to a column in a different table through the relationship in the current table. That data wasn’t ‘looked up’ in the current table, but was a hover/click through in the ‘pick the data source’ area of the thing I was doing.

I don’t remember if it was a component or a field or an action or a filter, but I’m sure that I’ve seen it multiple times.

If my memory isn’t doing me dirty, when would I come across that? Is it available or not because of the data it’s referencing from , or the data its referencing to, or only available when there aren’t multiples in the Relationship, or only if there are? This is the kind of elusive thing that drives me crazy and I’ll spend hours trying to find the thing, and how the thing, and why the thing. You lot might save my sanity and my work day :wink:

ETA - I realise that in my desire to not be long winded I might have not given the goal. The idea is that I have a ‘views’ table that contains user-specific columns for how they want to view data or fields that will act globally. When the user checks a box to, say, not view ‘hints’, then instead of having to add a lookup in every table that has a hint then I can use a relationship from the User table (as it’s available everywhere) that links to the Views table. Then as I add more views or options then I only have to reference the User Table/Relationship to View Table/Select the column . That means that there’s not a whole load of upkeep in every table for lookups etc.

I can keep the Views table simple by giving a column per option, then doing a Query where it queries the user table for the email address where the email address = logged in user. As the query column always gives an array then I can lookup the column, then join text to get a string. That gives me the users email address in the views table. Now I can go back to the User table and do a standard relationship between the user table and the Views table on the user’s email address and I’ll only get a single row as the data on both sides is fixed, so now I have a way to directly relate to the views table via the always-available User Profile data. I then want to be able to do something like have an ‘if’ column in a table that says 'if user_profile>rel_to_Views_table>talk_like_a_pirate_bool = TRUE then ‘walk the plank matey’. or sest a container component visibility to user_profile>rel_to_Views_table>hints_off_bool = FALSE .

I hope that makes sense…


Not sure off the top of my head, but you are probably thinking of situations where you pick a relation as the source of something, such as a collection. Then all the other settings for that collection can refer to the columns in the related table.

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