Relation between two sheet

bonjour j ai cree une application pour la maintenance,mon maintenancié peut cree des fiches d interventions, il peut aussi ajouter une commande materiels .je souhaiterai voir toutes ces infos sur la fiche details d intervention.merci

You need a common value in each table that can be used to create a relation between the two. That’s about as specific as I can be based on the information that you shared.

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j ai un fichier google sheet avec 4 feuilles (commande,produit,interventions,users).le but c est que l utilisateur cree une fiche interventions puisse aussi ajouter une commande de quand je regarde la fiche d intervention je puisse voir les produit commande aussi.

Okay, so you will need an OrderID column in your Intervention table. You should populate this column with the correct OrderID whenever a new row is added. You can then use that to create a relation to your Orders table.

do you have exemple

because i have column id

If you show me screenshots of both tables (from the Glide Data Editor), I can probably give some more specific guidance.

Also, can you explain a little more how rows are currently added to each table?

for add row i use button form