Reading address from map using klick/address search

Hi all,

I’m attempting to build a feature where a user can click or search for an address on a map. The selected address should then appear in a small text block and transfer to a form for additional user input. Does anyone know if Glide offers the ability to search and read addresses from an embedded map? Alternatively, if I use HTML for my map, is there a way to read my HTML window and transfer the address to the form?

Thanks, Ilya

@tylerisanoob built something like that a while ago.

It works, but might expose your Glide and MapBox token to users.

Also, beware of the updates count.

Thanks a lot! so, i need to host this html somewhere and it sends coordinate/address from Mapbox to by Glide table? Great, this is exactly what I was looking for!

Seems like he only has this instruction available.

Based on what I understand, you can create a “Construct URL” column and re-create the URL in question, with correct values for the keys.

Then embed the resulting URL in the web embed component.

If you don’t want to use his URL, I think you can duplicate the repo in Github and play around with it to get your own URL.

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… or his API Key:


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