So this is an app Random Teams to let the user create an activity in which a group of members (selected from Group A, B, C or D) are split randomly either in a fix number of team (chosen by the user) or in teams with fix number of people (I set the limit of 10 people in a team).
My goal was to try to figure out if without a google sheet, I would have a more clean deletion process. The results is better but there are still “residues” of the deletion made by a multiple repetitive step action and I wonder if there was a way like setting a time before the user is able to trigger another action or between 2 repetitive steps in an action.
If anyone has a way to be sur that a multiple step action is finished before triggering another one or a way to make a pause between 2 steps in that action that would be very helpfull.
PS : the other goal was to understand better the random function in glide in a single action column type. The behaviour of the random function is strange sometimes.
Unfortunately I don’t know how to help you. But I am very interested in your topic, since I am also trying to leverage “randomisation” to teach Words to kids.
Target user story:
Kids select some criteria, ex. one topic (home, school…) and a difficulty level (1, 2, …)
and number of questions per quizz (ex. 5, 10, 20)
Then a list of random quizzes appears
Kids choose a quizz then run it.
At this stage, in addition to [user] table, I have an [items] tab with key fields being:
words (x500)
criteria 1
criteria 2
(usc) criteria 1
(usc) criteria 2
Would you have guidances about the best approach to make the random split to create the quizzes ?
From My Experience, you will have to create in the table of your google sheet a random column with the Arrayformula. Since there is a delay btw glide and Google sheet, you are not able to draw random choices in a too close timeframe (1 min or so which for my case was fine).
You could also use the function Rand() with excel formula (code folder):
one column A with Rand(ColumnC) formula
Column B Math column with x set as now
Column C template column with RowId+ColumnB combined