hola amigos … una pregunta …
cual plantilla de glide me podria servir para crearme una app como si fuese una Tarjeta de presentacion digital ?
que contenga mi informacion personal , numero de whatsapp , demo en video de mi trabajo , precios … fotos etc etc
One template that I’m aware of is this:
There may be others if you look through the template store
@yinon_raviv is your DigiBiz app also a template, or just part of your business?
amigo soy artista cantante … y quiero hacer una app sencilla que me sriva en princio como una card, para que me contacten y no estar imprimiendo tarjetas jejej , pero la idea es que sea una plantilla que yo la pueda alimetar un poco mas y me sirva un poco como pagina web … donde pueda mostrar algun video , algunas fotos etc etc … ademas de mis redes sociales … cual me recomiendas para no empezar la plantilla de cero ?
Well, what I shared above would be some suggestions of similar apps that I’m aware of, unless you can find anything else in the template store.
Making apps is pretty easy if you play with Glide for a little while. For an app like yours, I would start with a simple table that contains a single row with a column for each piece of information you want to share, such as your name and any other contact information. Later you can create other tables that would contain links to your videos, photos, etc. and add those pieces to your app.
To get started, I would just pick any template and play with it to get a feel for how glide works. I think you will find that it’s pretty easy. You can even create a simple google sheet first and then create an app from that sheet. You might be surprised what Glide will create automatically to get you started.
Personally I would rather create an app from scratch. That way I know how everything works and it only contains the features that I want.
ok gracias amigo por la sugerencia !!
Hi Jeff,
It’s not a template, it’s part of my business as you said and the users sign in and create their card, design and publish and receive a branded link as well as management system where they can edit the design and easily share. Also every included add to contact button as well as every contact form that is filled is being sent to the user’s mail automatically