Hi there, I’m building a simple Q&A app that presents choice fields to the user via a Glide table. The table is setup a question per text column and the options underneath as rows.
I want to ask what the simplest, most efficient way is to then store each user’s choice? Specifically in the choice’s “Write to” section, what table & field would be best?
I will need to read these choices individually per user to provide reporting on it. I would also like the user to be able to go back and change their choice if required.
Thank you
To add to this, there will end up being approx 500-1000 questions with 5 possible answers for each
I would normally suggest a separate Responses table, with one row for each users response. But 500-10000 columns would be a nightmare to maintain, and there would be no easy way to present all responses for a single user as a list.
So I think the best way to address this is to store each users responses as a JSON Object. You would need a helper table to add/edit/display, and it’s a bit of work to setup. But once it is setup it would be a lot easier to maintain and work with.
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Thanks for the reply. If I reduce the number of questions, what’s the best way to set up the Responses table? How would you link it back to the user & the question?