Push notifications are now in Glide 📲

Obrigado lucas, agora deu certo, eu não estava fazendo da maneira que vc falou.


I have it set up with the app on my phone and a button to opt in to notifications, but cannot get the notification to show up. Button is on the same page as the profile and I have tried enabling if email is signed in user, but to no avail.

Are there some known bugs or workarounds?

Thank you

I have just set it up last weekend without any problems. Can you make sure you’re on the right iOS version and show us how you’re setting up the action?

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iOS was the issue. Did the update and push now works. Thank you.


Glad you got it sorted @George_Pillari!

And yes, push notifications are dependent on the iOS version. :+1:

Can notifications be sent to multiple specific users by inputing their emails separated by a comma? e.g bob@apple.com, fred@apple.com
This doesn’t seem to be working for us currently.

I know there is the option to use a split text column but this isn’t viable for us.

Can you explain why isn’t that viable?

The source for the split text column wouldn’t be on the same table as the form sending the notification.

How does it relate with the other table? Can you bring it over using relations + lookups?

Do the notifications work on desktop?
We dont seem to be getting them on Mac.

Or will this be possible with the next MacOS update with web apps on Safari?

Last I tried, push notifications worked both on iOS and OS X (MacOS).

Do you have the latest versions of the operating systems?

Is the app installed?

I can confirm it works on my MacOS. I think it’s even more reliable than iOS.

We’ve got it working now. Notifications were disabled for Chrome.