Push notifications are now in Glide šŸ“²


What kind of notification can be send here?

Itā€™s just a text?

A notification with title, message and when clicked, it will lead users to the ā€œlink to screenā€.


Pushing notifications externally would be great. I need API integration to do that.

The objective is to notify the user that he has been assigned a new lead or task directly from the API.


I could be mistaken and Iā€™m happy to be corrected so I can improve my understanding, but as far as I understand push notifications on PWAā€™s, these are web push notifications delivered through the Chrome and Safari browsers.

I tested push notifications on an Android smartphone, iPhone, Chromebook (Chrome) and Macbook (Safari) and received the notifications on all devices.


What do you mean by ā€œexternallyā€? A push notification is a website or app publisher sending a notification to a user via its app (mobile push, opt-in required) or its website (web push, opt-in required).

Note that there is also such a thing as in-browser and in-app notifications to active users that do not require an opt-in.

I wanted to let my user send notification when new lead generated via make.comā€™s scenario.

As of now in glide, if someone clicks/actions on particular button in app itself, then push notification can be happen.
There isnā€™t anything about get notified without interacting interface.


I believe he means triggering a push notification via the Glide API.
Itā€™s an interesting idea, and if implemented would probably also open up the possibility of App to App push notifications, which some of us have asked for.

Think of the example where you have two or more Apps sharing the same database, and you want an event in one App to trigger a push notification in one of the other Apps. Being able to trigger a push notification via the API would facilitate this.



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Are you asking a question Nathanael?

Iā€™m simply saying that most use cases will be using this for mobile notifications. But weā€™ve established that Glideā€™s priority is not the classic mobile format they started with. So it makes sense that this feature is not available for the classic version.

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Oh dang! I have a great app I built that is a classic app. Am I going to have to rebuild it on Glide apps? Or can it be switched over somehow?

Glide seems to be working on a way to allow Classic Apps to be transformed into an App. There is no indication as to when this will be possible.

If you are in a rush, for the time being youā€™ll have to rebuild.

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Iā€™m not technical so Iā€™m not sure. But I think there is no mobile push. Only browser push. If the app happens to be open on a mobile, then the notification appears to be a mobile push. And if the app happens to be open on desktop, then the notification appears to be a web push. The form factor of the device plays no role.

I think the point sheā€™s making is that notifications arenā€™t available on Classic Apps, and thatā€™s what she meant by ā€œmobileā€. Not anything to do with how notifications workā€¦just that itā€™s not an available integration for classic apps.


Donā€™t think too much into it. Weā€™re all talking about the same thing


Was planning on releasing this tomorrow, but thought it would help answer any questions yā€™all had:

Iā€™m still figuring out the optimal user flow for enabling / sending push notifications, but hopefully this helps!


Essas notificaƧƵes sĆ³ estĆ£o funcionando para sistema ios?

It should work for Android as well.

Ja fiz de varias maneiras conta como ediĆ§Ć£o, mais a notificaĆ§Ć£o nĆ£o chega!

If you can give us some screenshots or a video of how youā€™re setting things up, that would be great.

Wendel, vc precisa criar a aĆ§Ć£o de ā€œrequest push norificationā€ antes. Vc chegou a fazer? Pq assim o usuĆ”rio ativa as notificaƧƵes, e depois disso o envio das notificaƧƵes funcionam

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