As much as we can change the source for an INLINE LIST, I’d like to be able to do so for a PROGRESS BAR (to be able to select from another google sheets tab the info to do, say, a pie chart).
Maybe that’s possible already with some kin of a workaround?
I wanted to pull through a pass/fail rate from the other tab.
In the test tab:
I did a relation between the person’s name column in the main sheet and the name in the test sheet.
then a roll up count of all the all the values ( 2 passes and a fail gives a count of 3).
math column -> pass/ amnt of tests = pass rate
In main tab:
rollup of the pass rate (sum)
and a rollup of the amnt of tests (count)
template column -> Pass Rate Out of X Sessions where X = amnt of tests
now make a progress bar with Pass Rate as your column and the template as your title