Product info

I would like to create an app where I can showcase some products I’ve made in 3D and 3D printing, allowing people to see what I’ve created and what I’m selling. The app shouldn’t allow purchases directly, but it would be nice if users could inquire about a specific product, and perhaps it could even be an option for them to place an order. I haven’t really been able to find a template that fits my needs, where I could modify it to suit my design and requirements. However, I would love to hear if anyone knows of one, and I would appreciate any suggestions on how to do this in the easiest and smartest way possible.

Not sure if you can embed a 3D object in Glide, maybe there’s a type of site that allows you to upload your work there and embed in Glide perhaps.

For the inquiring part, yes it would work. Search around for info on how to create a chat component, and allow users to create chat with you for that feature.

For placing an order, if you don’t plan to have payment processing inside the app, maybe it’s just a matter of adding a row to an Orders table, then you process that later outside the app.