Problem when I share my page

You are previewing as anyone, which is the same as not being signed into the app. There is no such thing as an ‘anyone’ user. Delete that row.

  • Why is the email column blank? Did you delete the emails, or did they disappear when you removed row owners? If they disappeared on their own, refresh the browser window.
  • You should not need to manually create rows in a user table. When a user signs in for the first time, a row will automatically be generated for them.
  • Are you are filtering that screen to a specific user, such as the signed in user? It may not be attached to any row in the table, so there is no content to show. This would be prevalent when viewing as a non signed in user, and especially if the email column does not even contain an email address to use for filtering by signed in user.
  • Also delete those empty rows. There is no point in having them.

Overall, the main issue is that your screen is not attached to a row that contains any content. That’s why the screen is blank. Figure out what would be preventing the screen from attaching to a row. Once you do, that will fix your problem.


I’m very happy! I searched with your advice my problem and now my application works :grin:
I have got just a last question : I don’t want to have to ask for emails to see my application.
Is this possible just by giving a code or the url of the application?

Email is the core of how Glide identifies individual users in the app, however, you are not required to sign in to use an app. You can set your privacy to Public with optional or no sign in if you just want users to use the app without signing in.