Printing Width

Since printing is not natively supported, I’m attempting to use the share function to print the screen to create labels for an inventory system. Unlike most mobile applications, the resulting printed area does not default to the page width and my prints are way oversized for the label width.

This seems to be an easy @media print { } setting issue.


Realmente seria fantástico poder imprimir telas específicas,

Eu tenho um App para gerar relatórios de auditoria, mas ainda não consegui uma forma adequada de imprimi-los!!!

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Hi @Lori_Lacy
I embark on the adventure of printing a page.
How did you integrate @ media.print into Glide.
I did some tests in RichText but without success.

@Manu.n I wasn’t able to make any stylesheet changes unfortunately. I was hoping the glide team could adjust it universally but I haven’t had any luck in that regard. I’m building an inventory app so I’m thinking I’ll need to run it on a desktop browser for now and create a custom print specifications on the printer level.