Post image via API to glide - possible?

I have been trying to post an image via API to glide. But I haven’t been successful

It is possible to post via API a reference to an image in e.g. cloudinary.

Actually, I wanted to replace an image stored in glide with a new image and using the same url - and thereby also have the Image stored in glide.

Maybe it is a question for glide themselves - but maybe somebody in the community knows the answer?

Do you mean posting an image object to Glide and receive a URL in return?

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If I post an image and use a google sheet to record the URL, then replace the image, the URL changes, so I would recommend instead that you should try to find a location online that you can post and repost images to, then use that URL to upload into glide as that link will not change.

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I asked Mark this question several months ago, and the answer I got at the time was no - not supported. I don’t believe that’s changed.

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Thanks for your responses - it seems it is not possible as @Darren_Murphy has gotten informed by Mark.
To clarify, I want to post/upload an image into Glide via API - a bit like using image picker by a person. In that way the url will be something like this:

@kabookie I do something like this - but I want the image to stay inside glide
@ThinhDinh I want to to use the set-column api operation


Yes, that’s exactly what I was wanting to do. But no, I’m afraid it’s not supported.


Yeah, I had some cases for this but I asked it in the experts chat a while ago and it’s not possible. I process some files via email and they must be uploaded somewhere to be shown in Glide. It would be ideal if that “upload image” action is available via API, but currently I have to upload to Google Drive instead.


Yes, an Upload File API would be nice.

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