Please help - leads in marketplace and no access to marketplace

Hello everyone

I go this email:
You have 3 leads waiting in the Glide Marketplace. Please log into the Hub to accept or decline your leads. Thank you

But i cannot access my marketplace, there is no such tab in my expert hub… this is very frustrating… any advice?

I am viewing the new expert hub … the one menu on the left.

Are you in the Experts Slack and a Certified Expert already? I guess yes?

I was but its all become so confusing, mostly becasue i have 2 glide accounts one personal and one using my work email.
So although i was invited to the expert channel, i have not been able to join. And although i own an agency plan, i am not a certified expert.

I’ve booked a meeting next week with Brett to try and sort all of this up.

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