Please guide for setup Dashboard my App

Please Guide for Setup Dashboard my Application
I Have Data to number count

  • What exactly are you looking to achieve?
  • Could you clarify your expectations a bit more?
  • Can you give an example or a use case for what you’re asking?
  • Are there specific constraints or requirements?

This is app and please help me for creating dashboard

I have List in Menu in the list different fields and this field show in dashboard count number

I can help you to go further, but I really need more information than that…

Provide screenshots, structures, layouts, the relations you are trying to do, etc… Anything that would add more clear explanations of the goal you are trying to achieve.

Thank you :slight_smile:

I can’t log in by the way.

:point_up_2:This Status Count in dashboard

Dashboard setup help

English isn’t @pmg_email’s native language. The conversation has been forwarded to private messaging in his native language. Follow-up on the solution will be brought here in English!

Solution was:

In the status table: rollup on row id of the relation you already have. Count unique, precision 1.

Set a custom collection on the status table: