Phone number

I need to capture the user’s phone number to place inside a specific field and use it to validate entry into the app using AI.

Create a Helper table with a “phone number” column as user-specific and a “JavaScript” column:

const patt = /^(\+?\d{1,3}[-.\s]?)?(\(?\d{3}\)?[-.\s]?)?\d{3}[-.\s]?\d{4}$/;
  return patt.test(p1);

Add one empty row.

In your layout, instead of using a form container, use a screen linked to the helper table and set a phone input and a button to submit:

Add an AI component and set these configurations with these messages:

Here is the result:


You can create a workflow to add more steps to the submission action, like toast notification, clear helper table, but don’t forget to add row in the submission table! :slight_smile:

I followed all the steps you very kindly showed me and it worked correctly.
However, I don’t think I made myself understood and I apologize for that.
From what I understand, your example serves to validate a phone number.
What I need is to capture the phone that is running the application.
A clearer example would be how to get the cell phone’s IMEI to use it as an automatic password.

Try to explain more about what you want to do.

From what I understand, your example serves to validate a phone number.
What I need is to capture the phone that is running the application.
A clearer example would be how to get the cell phone’s IMEI to use it as an automatic password.

I tried to use AI to capture the IMEI but, I believe for data protection reasons, it says it can’t find it.

There is no easy or reliable way to identify a specific device. That’s been a challenge of any ad service on the internet. You can use certain user agent values provided by the Device Info column, but even that is not reliable. You are better off just using the built in Glide authentication if you need to identify a specific user.

Actually, in any case where you need authentication and authorization, use the native Glide Auth System.

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Just for more context, I have a case where one of my users authenticates on two different devices, but I need certain features to work differently depending on the specific device. I’ve done a lot of research in ways to positively identify the device, but the best you can do is build a fingerprint based on several different values from the browser user agent. Problem is that those values can change as browsers are updated, or a user maybe uses different browsers or screen resolutions. The whole point is that browsers try to prevent websites from tracking users without their consent.


Thank you very much for the explanation.
You guys are impressive.
Have a good night.