Phone input should only allow numbers and the characters “-()+”. Currently, it permits letters as well.
I’ve always thought this was strange.
I wonder if it’s because of this.
This isn’t a thing in my country, but I have seen US businesses using it all the time.
Could make sense. But logical, phone numbers are… Numbers
Why have a phone input if it functions the same as a text input?
So if the phone input only accepts numbers, how would I enter 1234 5678 ext 456
Didn’t think about that… You are right! Phone input are really weird then. It is literally a text input in this case. Lol.
Well, it means that phone input are completely useless then!
There types of html input that enforce a numeric keyboard for number entry and phone input for phone entry, instead of a full keyboard. I seem to recall the iOS keyboard not working correctly for either numeric or phone input several years back. Maybe at one point it did trigger just a numeric or phone keyboard, but Glide backed away from that for various reasons and the entry component stuck around???
Does still seem weird that there is a specific phone input that doesn’t do anything special that I can tell.