Personal App (again)

In my home there are some things that I manage, and others that my wife manages. I focus on all the macho stuff, such as resetting the wifi router, controlling our heating, and fixing tripped power switches, calling in the plumber etc etc. I also tend to manage our finances as well as the tenants and mortgages associated with our rental properties. My wife focuses on the kitchen, garden, laundry and grandchildren. For sometime I have worried about what happens if I fall off the perch before she does.

Glide has come to the rescue. I have built her a PERSONAL APP loaded with everything she needs to do the things that I currently do with press button access to all records and help guides she needs. It’s like her own personal smart interactive notebook. I almost can’t wait for her to have to use it!


Can you share some screenshots of the app you built as an inspiration for others? :wink:

yes please would like to see some more details or screenshot to understand your usecase. is this some kind of todo app or knowledge base for personal in small scale?

Personal knowledge base is a perfect description. It’s so easy to build and only needs two users (my wife and I), and needs no additional functionality beyond that provided in the free version.

It’s so kind and proactive of you to think ahead. Knock on wood your wife won’t have to use the app anytime soon! :sweat_smile:

(Thanks for the idea.)