Performance Questions

Hi All,

I’m a beginner Glide user. I guess the native database (Glide) is the fastest.

But have any of you compared the performance of the Airtable database with Google Sheet? Or is it possible that from what number of records can the performance difference be seen?


I don’t use Airtable on a regular basis. I only use it rarely, and mostly to test a Glide feature. I’ve never used Airtable in production.

From what I’ve gathered in the community forum, using Airtable as a data source in Glide is not always a smooth experience: syncing delays and row order not respected are what come by mind.

An advanced search in the forum for “Airtable” might give you a better idea.

To answer your question:

  • I personally always start my Glide projects with Glide Tables. So far my projects are small, and I’ve rarely had to add another data source, Google Sheets at most on a couple projects.
  • If needed, I’ll use Google Sheets or Excel.
  • I’m open to using large data sources – Glide Big Tables and SQL sources – but my projects haven’t scaled there yet.
  • I avoid Airtable (for now) for the reasons stated above.
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