Partnerstack is annoying 😤

I don’t understand partnerstack really…
I have paying clients and should qualify for a commission from Glide.

Partnerstack refused to add me to the network the first time, and here is their response today after asking to be added again and providing the information they requested

After careful review of your Network Profile details, we have decided to limit your access to new programs via the PartnerStack Marketplace.
This decision has been made for the following reason:
We are working on expanding our Network. Your profile is not a great fit, but may be in the future.

Your profile is not a great fit. :sob: feels like i’m asking to join Man City as a striker at the age of 40… can’t they even say it in a nicer way :joy:

How are you applying for the program?

Are you following these steps?

I did this a long long time ago. In my account settings I have links to my partnerstack and expert hub accounts.

Currently all I can do is re apply from Partnerstack. I am a bit stuck…