Overlay Screen - back icon top left corner - mobile view

Any idea why there is a back icon on the top left corner of an overlay screen? It only appears on mobile view. Shouldn’t the ‘X’ close icon be sufficient?

I believe that only happens if you open an overlay from another overlay. So the back allows you to navigate back to the previous overlay, and the close sends you all the way back.

thats what i initially thought. but i am not doing that. It shows from the first overlay you open. give it a try

Yeah, I did test it before replying just to make sure. The behaviour that I observed was as I described.

I started with a Collection, and the Item Click was to Show Detail Screen → This item in an overlay.
On the Details screen I added a button with the same action.
The first overlay didn’t have the back icon, but all subsequent overlays did.
And I could step back one at a time using using the back icon, and the X would close the overlay completely at any point.

you must have put the action on a collection.
The bug occurs when an action opens an overlay screen from another detail screen.

its also on mobile only.
I just doubled check with other another app & it still occurs.

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