One action = one update?

If you use an action for set column values ​​and add row

Will it be just one update or two updates?

If you are adding a row (add row) or setting a column value (edit row) in a Glide Table not through the Glide API, then each action will incur zero updates.

If you are doing the same in a external data source (Google Sheets, Airtable, etc.), then assume that one change to an entire row will consume one update:

  • Add row: 1 update
  • 1 edit to a row: 1 update
  • 5 edits to the same row: 1 update

That depends on the plan you are on. Since this user has been around for at least 7 months, they may be on a legacy plan.

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I’m on the legacy plan
I need to create a log of actions performed in the application
So adding a new action of adding a line to the log sheet will consume a new update?

Good point from Jeff above. On the legacy plans, adding 1 row will consume 1 update.

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