OMG: New editor design!

Hmm… Let me look at my job description:

Be Helpful
Be Kind
Be anxious
Be excited
Be Happy
Be socially distant

Error 404: Patience not found.


I would be the last to be given rights to see it

Yeah, I don’t think patience is in your job description either :stuck_out_tongue::joy:

Lol, I’m working on another game for everyone. I think you’ll like it.


Can’t wait to see it, as always!

It’s a 2 player game against each other

Holy crap, like, is it live? So two players can play at the same time?? Dude that’s impressive

Yes, it is live back and forth turn based :slight_smile: I started it at about 10pm tonight. I should be done by 3am.


Go go sleep!!! :astonished::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I sleep about 4 hours a day, go to bed at 3 wake up at 7, i got 20 minutes sir :ok_man:

Oh my… Just about to go to bed myself! Good night

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Good night sir

Oh no, so i have to remake all how to videos again! :slight_smile:


LMAO, that’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are :sweat_smile:

We need more caring in this world! :wink:

I am not the best and at making videos and assuming the IQ of others, normally I’m blunt and don’t think if it’s your 50th or 5th time attempting an app. You need those teacher types :wink:


I have to teach excel, and power bi classes every week and I try so hard to refrain from facial expressions when I’m asked comments that just sounds like a 5th graders logical reasoning. Don’t get me wrong, I love helping people, I just don’t think I’m the patient teacher type :slight_smile: