I hear ya. I always say to myself that Glide components are always 90% complete. So close, but never quite there as far as feeling complete. It’s like different people developed each component without having any design standards in place and without talking with the other developers.
Some components have formatting options that don’t match those of other very similar components. For example, why can I center text here, but not there. Why can I lay out the data one way here, but it’s another way there.
Some components have large margins and extra padding, so it’s hard to get a dense version of the relevant information on one screen. I want to see data. Not a bunch of space. I can easily add space, but I can’t easily take it away
My biggest complaint is that some components display data in a way that’s almost white on white, or light grey on white, and distinction between items is much to subtle. So visually it’s very hard to focus the eyes on the relevant data, especially if you are stuck with mediocre monitors that don’t handle colors well And then you get things like the custom collection, which won’t let you do dark backgrounds so separate list items get lost among the others.
I’ve spent hours messing with components many different ways, and in ways they were not intended, just to get anything remotely close to a look I like, but then I have all kinds of extra space, or little blips of pixels that look bad. For example, the Action Row component can give me a heading and value with nice font size, color, and bolding that no other component can give, but when you don’t want any actions on that component, you are stuck with the remnants of an inactive empty button. It just looks bad.
Half the time I end up building my own components, that look very very similar to native components, but present the data in a way that’s much more clear and concise to the user.
I am a software engineer by day, so things like CSS and HTML are mild compared to code, but yes I understand that it is not in everyone’s skill set. While I don’t expect a full gamut of options from a Glide, I do wish that there was at least some consistency among all components, and that there was at least some very basic design options that were added, such as font weight and size, and some mild control over margins and padding. The rest of the gaps I can fill in.