Notify users about new content

Oh no, that’s terrible! :grimacing:

I made a 5min video with full details. However, cannot load on Glide platform. You can access on my G Drive UnreadIndicators.mp4 - Google Drive


Wow, thanks a lot! Will try to follow along.

I managed to display the unread icon headline at first and when the user clicks on it, the detail screen opens and later the entry appears in the list without the unread icon. But I haven’t yet figured out how to apply your logic to my case to update the tab icon number. I guess it would have to be something like “number of approved entries” minus “number of read entries”, but the number of read entries is different for each user. :thinking:

I was also wondering if I can add more email addresses to the “Read by” field. At the moment it will take the email of user A, but when user B reads the same entry, A’s address will be exchanged for B’s. And then when user A checks their news section the next time, the news will appear as unread again, because their email is no longer in the column.

Furthermore, I noticed that when I add new entries, there’s no approved field. So I added an approved column to the entry form, but what happens now is that the entry is automatically approved. I want an admin to vet the news first and set their checkmark in the approval column. How can I make sure new messages are automatically set to not approved until the admin changes its status?

  • just need one email column which is User specific. In this case, Mr A comes and read then his email is captured and Mr B comes and read and his email is captured. Since it is user specific they will never overlap/overwrite each other

  • for manual approval you add a switch component just for admin to see (use visibility) and admin will toggle to “true” when approved. use if-then-else statement to pass it through
    eg. if toggle is true then = content else (leave it blank)

hope it helps


Ok thank you, makes sense. I’ll try this.

OMG it works, and now I was even able to get the icon tab resetted to the actual number of unread news! :partying_face:

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Any idea how I can turn the chat screen into a detail screen so that I can apply the rich text here as well?

what does chat screen look like. i have not tried then. can send me screen shot.

sure, here it is:
link to chat screen

No, you can’t do anything customized with that tab.

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ok, can I implement chat functionality in a different way?

not able to find where the chat is stored. maybe more senior users here can help?

Ok, different question: How can I get the news entry time stamp to display nicely like this >> 09.08.2021 16:12:57 instead of this >> 2021-08-09T16:12:56.841Z ?? :crazy_face:


Change date format to “short” will do?

Check this out if you want a 1v1 chat.

If you want a global chat you won’t be able to get the same left - right effect. If you want to simply display it as a list add a sheet to store your comments. It will consume your row count though.

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Ah perfect - mine was set to text :see_no_evil:

Thanks a lot, will have a look!

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When I add inline list to have the ability to add rich text (CSS), I have lost the ability for user to select to show map and also the favorite column. How do I bring these two back?

above is image show inline list and the map option is missing in user’s area, while below image has red button (directly using map without inline list)

When using the map style layout on an inline list in a details style view, you must choose either the map view or the list view. You can’t have the button to switch between the two like you can when the tab itself is using the map style layout. I don’t know why this is the case, but I believe that it’s some sort of technical limitation.

You can do it yourself with two inline lists, and a choice component, or a floating button with a custom action that would flip a value back and forth and then you would set visibility of each list based on that value.

I have an old example of something like that here in the food/activities tab.

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