Notes/Comments in the glide editor

I am not sure if this was not proposed before or not. If it was then I apologize in advance…

I would like to suggest if it is at all possible to add a space to add notes in the glide editor, especially when dealing with computed columns…
For example for a template column, you have a label section, if we could get a “description section” underneath where you can write notes/comments why you made a certain calculation, that way when you go back to your data editor after months, then you know the logic behind that. Even coders include comments as part of their code because generally you tend to forget when you have not worked with a certain App for a long time…
It would also greatly help when you work with a free template or maybe Glide can make this a standard for people submitting templates to also add notes to better explain the “code” because at the end of the day, we are coding even though it is without writing (Visual)

This would also greatly help when you have new features added then when you go back, you might realise that there is now an easier way of doing what you did as you read through your notes.

This would also make us better programmers hopefully :grinning: