No scroll when User/Screen > Pick a column

@jason @mark I guess you guys updated a while ago, but after this, I can’t scroll to pick a column when I hove User/Screen



  • Screen option too.

I’m having to minimize the screen: Windows: Control + minus (-) or iOS/Apple: Command + minus (-)…kinda tricky but works for now until it’s fixed! :+1:

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Yes, but I have many columns so…

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We’re working on a hotfix right now! Sorry.


In the mean time get a taller monitor :stuck_out_tongue:


Picking a column like :rofl:




Hotfix is rolling out should be on your displays in about an hour

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Thanks guys! Faster than if I had zoomed out :grin:

Fix should be live now.


Good here! Thanks Glide Team! :pray: :ok_hand:

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There is now the scroll bar but I still lose columns on the top and bottom of the list. Look what I see:

That is the whole list of columns:

I cannot scroll to the really top of the list

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What browser are you using? I’m having trouble reproducing that.

I was able to replicate it today with Chrome on MacOS

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Yup just figured out what is different about my setup. Doesn’t happen with the react devtools attached for reasons I can’t begin to understand.

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Google Chrome

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Same here. Chrome

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