No more Text field in Action Row?

According to Action Row | Glide Docs , there’re Label and Text fields in Action Row configuration, however the Text field disappears in these few days.

I believe it is some kind of bug instead of feature change, or you will also modify the related doc and announce the change. :slight_smile:

They’ve updated it.


Looks good, every improved detail makes the components more practical.

But I can´t see the new functions, how can I update it?

Maybe you can close and reopen your builder. I just saw it after I turned on my computer.

The problem is, already deployed on several sites, for example , the Text contents are not shown after this issue happened, but the action button still there. (how lucky I’m not using the feature in client-paid project)

Already tried to restart the builder from diff machines and diff browsers in last 2 hrs, that’s why I am not sure if it’s a change or bug.

I’ve heard that the fix is still in the process of being deployed.

Looks normal with my test app.

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